Music and Silence

In heaven, there is only music and silence – only praise and peace, truth and quiet. There is no noise for the sake of noise – no car horns or advertisements or rambling about inconsequential things. It is only the music of the eternities, and a warm, soul-enlarging silence to hear it.

This fallen world is full of jangling distractions to steer us away from God’s truths and our infinite potential. But Heaven is beautifully simple. Our Father delights in plain and precious truths and the still small voice of the Spirit can bring those quiet messages to our hearts. As we allow them to penetrate our souls during quiet moments, those truths can be symphonies to our spirits.

While it may be impossible to create societal silence, may we create heavenly harmonies to combat the noise we cannot eliminate. Let our worship through both sound and silence be pure, joyous, and frequent.

Heaven knows we need it.

— Katherine