I Wish I Could Remember

One of the doctrines I find most sweet and tender is that God created us and knew us long before we were born. I love the thought that not so long ago, I was back with my Heavenly Parents, learning in their perfect love. I can imagine myself sitting with Them and hanging on Their every word as They prepared me for mortality. Even though mortality would be difficult, I knew my Savior, and I knew the blessings at stake.

And it's not just me... All who came to Earth had similar experiences!

It’s that pesky - yet critical - veil that makes us forget those perfect moments with our Heavenly Family. We forget the love we felt, the promises we made, and the unique spirit children we were before. Sometimes when I think of all I have forgotten and all I might have been, it makes my heart ache. I truly wish I could remember! I wish I could remember what it felt like to be perfectly loved by our Heavenly Parents. I wish I could remember what my Savior looks like, the way He must have loved me, my relationship with Him... I wish I could remember the promises we made to each other. I wish I could remember how firm my faith must have been to come to Earth. I want to be that person again so badly

Often, it’s that desperate yearning that propels me forward.

I was once told that loneliness is just our spirits missing the belonging we felt in Heaven. When we feel alone, lost, or down-trodden, perhaps it's just our spirits aching for Home. A place we can return to one day! A place where we will remember who we are! Where we will feel that love, peace, and safety again. A place we will remember our Heavenly Parents and Savior. A place and where They will wrap us in warm hugs and be so grateful to have us Home. 

I look forward to that day. But in the meantime, I’m grateful for the chance to experience mortality after eons of waiting. I'm grateful for tender moments when the Spirit gives me glimpses of who I am. The times He speaks peace to my soul. When He reminds me of my infinite potential, and gives me hope in my Savior's perfect Atonement. And I’m grateful for sweet Heavenly Parents and an Older Brother who love us perfectly. 

They want us to remember. They want us to come Home.