Bear Record Of My Name - Inspired by Elder Holland

Elder Holland has an artistry, passion and sincerity that always pricks my heart. Like many others, I missed him at the last couple General Conferences as he battled with his health. So, I was ecstatic to hear his returning talk this April 2024.

The Spirit was palpable as he spoke about his experiences in the hospital. He told of his renewed resolve to “take up [his] cross more earnestly" and quoted the Lord in Doctrine and Covenants 112:

“Thou shalt bear record of my name … [and] send forth my word unto the ends of the earth. …

“… Morning by morning; and day after day let thy warning voice go forth; and when the night cometh let not the inhabitants of the earth slumber, because of thy speech. …

“Arise[,] … take up your cross, [and] follow me.”

While most of us don’t share the apostolic imperatives as Elder Holland, we share many of the same duties - to bear record of Christ and share His word. We have a duty to stay spiritually awake and encourage others to do the same. And like the Savior has always invited His disciples, He asks us to “Arise[,] … take up your cross, [and] follow me.”

Along with Elder Holland, I hope each of us can feel inspired with a new, stronger conviction to take up our individual crosses and follow our Savior.